
Senin, 12 September 2011

Batik - Indonesian Cloth

Batang Garing, Palangka Raya, Indonesia

Nowaday Batik as Indonesian National Cloth is very popular. It can be wore in every occasion whether formal or not. It is really comfortable to be dressed because the quality of  the material.

Kamis, 08 September 2011


John 15:16 
You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.

Dari Yohanes 15:16 ini ada tiga penegasan, let me tell u:
1. You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you]
--> Bukan kalian yang memilih Aku. Akulah yang memilih kalian
2.   that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide]  
--> dan menyuruh kalian pergi untuk berbuah banyak--buah-buah yang tak dapat binasa
3. so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.
--> Maka Bapa akan memberikan kepadamu apa saja yang kalian minta kepada-Nya atas nama-Ku (seperti menghadirkan pribadi Jesus).
So before we receive  what we have prayed, we have to bear fruits, good fruits. The one who can see whether we have produced yet good fruit or not is only Go. So He Himself will decide the exact time for us to receive what we asked. Amen... If u're waiting right now maybe you havent produced enaf fruits or your fruit are still small... xixixixixixi... *it's me waiting for my life partner huhuhuhuhu lebay*

Galatia 5:22-23
(22) But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,
(23) Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [ that can bring a charge].

(9) For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [ special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [ in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]  
(10) That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition].
With the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom, we ask as good as His will, we will bear fruits and He will fulfil our request. amen...

Rabu, 07 September 2011

God wants MyHeart

God’s Purpose in Isolation
Sometimes, we don’t know how to change, so God has to get our attention by sending us into times of isolation. I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me soon into a time of sovereign isolation. It’s taken me 10 years to recognize what I really want. You see, God will give you what you want to show you what you really need. I thought for most of my life that what I wanted was to be successful, to make my life count, to do something great in this world for Him. God gave that to me, because I asked for it. In the last 10 years I’ve traveled the world and fulfilled what I believe God told me to do. I was obedient to the heavenly vision, “The Blueprint” if you may have it, and I preached the Gospel from campus to campus, city to city, nation to nation. Souls were won, disciples were made, hundreds of churches were planted and yes, lives were changed. Yet, in the midst of all the supernatural encounters, all the signs, wonders and miracles, my heart at times, felt empty. Why? It’s not because God didn’t want me to do all the things that I did for Him. The calling was always real. But what He wanted from me was not what I could do for Him, in order to please Him, but what He wanted was my heart. God will never have you sacrifice relationship with Him to do ministry for Him. Most Christian leaders I know have more of a relationship with their revelation, than they do with God. They are driven by the vision, by the ministry machine and not by relationship. This was me, and God had to wake me up to show me that successful ministry, will only leave you empty and dissatisfied if you don’t have intimacy with Jesus and community with others.  
The prophet Elijah had to learn that success for God is different from success in God. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah has a showdown with the prophets of Baal. He encounters God in a powerful way, fire falls down from heaven and consumes the sacrifice on the altar, all the opposing false prophets are destroyed and Elijah wins, or does he? In the very next chapter we find Elijah running for his life. Why? The evil queen Jezebel had put a price on his head. He then tells God he wished he was never born, that he feels abandoned and wants to quit. God responds by sending Elijah into the dessert, then to Mt. Horeb into a period of complete isolation. This story of Elijah always boggled my mind. How could this mighty prophet on one hand have such great power and success in ministry one day and the very next day be completely depressed, suicidal and wanting to give up on everything? It finally made sense recently when I was studying this book called “Isolation” for my Fuller Seminary class. The author explained the 4-fold process of isolation in transforming the life of a leader in this way…
  1. Stripping
  2. Wrestling with God
  3. Increased Intimacy
  4. Release to Look Toward the Future 
 Ga sengaja hari ini gw baca sitenya Ps. Jaesonma. Without any purpose just wanna read something gw tertarik sama tulisan ini dan mulailah gw baca. Pas saat teduh tadi pagi gw sempat bilang sama Tuhan kalo kenapa rasanya gw suram banget semua hal menjadi kabur dan gw ga ngerti sebenarnya yang harus gw kerjakan buat TUhan itu apa? Gw jadinya bingung sebenarnya Tuhan itu maunya apa? Evangelismkah supaya banyak jiwa dimenangkan atau hati kita?

Spritual mentornya Ps. Jaesonma bilang gini
“Remember this important fact about God. He never asks anything of us to make Himself look better. The demands He makes on our lives are NEVER for his personal gain. We cannot make Him anymore God than He already is. He would be no less Lord of Lords if no one believed. Every urging and exhortation of God to us is for one major reason. He desires that we have the pleasure of knowing, serving, and sharing Him.

And So I stop to be confused, gw tau bahwa Tuhan mau hati gw dulu. Tuhan mau gw mengenal Dia dengan benar, diperlengkapi dengan benar, encounter Tuhan dan menikmati Tuhan, mengerti siapa Tuhan sebenarnya. He want us to spread the love from the heart. Dia mau kita melayani karena kita menerima abundance love from Him so we share it with frens yang belum merasakannya. Kalau kita sendiri tidak menikmati kasihNya how can we serve people from the heart? I think we need to look inside ourheart now. good day everyone...

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Menyukai Nasihat/Teguran

Menyukai nasihat/teguran bukanlah hal yang gampang dilakukan. Gw menyadari bahwa untuk mendengarkan nasihat butuh jiwa yang besar apalagi untuk melakukan nasihat/teguran dengan tulus membutuhkan jiwa yang lebih besar lagi. Sering kali, karena harga diri yang tinggi kita menolak nasihat atau melawannya dengan pemikiran kita sendiri, kita mendengarkan tapi kemudian kita bersungut-sungut atau tidak melakukannya. Cukup sulit bagi kita untuk mendengarkannya dengan lapang dada, merenungkannya dan melakukannya dengan hati yang tulus. Maybe jika kita tau tujuan dkk, mengapa harus menyukai teguran/didikan kita akan lebih berbesar hati menerimanya. le's see.

A. Tujuan nasihat/teguran

Tujuan nasihat itu ialah kasih yang timbul dari hati yang suci, dari hati nurani yang murni dan dari iman yang tulus ikhlas. (1 Timotius 1:5)

Siapa mengabaikan didikan membuang dirinya sendiri, tetapi siapa mendengarkan teguran, memperoleh akal budi. (Amsal 15:32)

Marry Riana, seorang milyuner muda asal Singapura, dalam tulisannya yang berjudul The Rule of 10,000 hours bilang bahwa perilaku yang harus kita miliki jika ingin mencapai sukses, yaitu 1. Hardworking (kerja keras) 2. Discipline (disiplin) 3. Teachable (dapat diajar/menerima didikan, nasihat, dan teguran). Jadi menerima nasihat/teguran merupakan satu kualitas penting yang harus kita miliki jika ingin menjadi sukses include sukses menjadi dewasa dalam Tuhan.

B. Manfaat Nasihat/Teguran
1. Rencana terlaksana dengan baik
Rencana gagal, jika tidak disertai pertimbangan; rencana berhasil, jika banyak yang memberi nasihat.(Amsal 15:22) #alkitab sehari-hari
2. Mengetahui jalan kehidupan/masa depan
 Karena perintah itu pelita, dan ajaran itu cahaya, dan teguran yang mendidik itu jalan kehidupan, ( Amsal 6:23)
Dengarkanlah nasihat dan terimalah didikan, supaya engkau menjadi bijak di masa depan.( Amsal 19:20)
  3.  Dihormati
Amsal 13:18 Kemiskinan dan cemooh menimpa orang yang mengabaikan didikan, tetapi siapa mengindahkan teguran, ia dihormati.

Bijak Vs. Dungu
Amsal 12:15Jalan orang bodoh lurus dalam anggapannya sendiri, tetapi siapa mendengarkan nasihat, ia bijak.
Amsal 12:1Siapa mencintai didikan, mencintai pengetahuan; tetapi siapa membenci teguran, adalah dungu.

Hati-hati dengan teguran orang FASIK
Mazmur 1:1Berbahagialah orang yang tidak berjalan menurut nasihat orang fasik, yang tidak berdiri di jalan orang berdosa, dan yang tidak duduk dalam kumpulan pencemooh,
1 Tesalonika 2:3Sebab nasihat kami tidak lahir dari kesesatan atau dari maksud yang tidak murni dan juga tidak disertai tipu daya.

Nasihat siapa yang harus didengar:
1. Filipi 2:1Jadi karena dalam Kristus ada nasihat, ada penghiburan kasih, ada persekutuan Roh, ada kasih mesra dan belas kasihan,
2. Ibrani 10:25Janganlah kita menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah kita, seperti dibiasakan oleh beberapa orang, tetapi marilah kita saling menasihati, dan semakin giat melakukannya menjelang hari Tuhan yang mendekat. 
3. Efesus 6:4Dan kamu, bapa-bapa, janganlah bangkitkan amarah di dalam hati anak-anakmu, tetapi didiklah mereka di dalam ajaran dan nasihat Tuhan.
Amsal 15:5Orang bodoh menolak didikan ayahnya, tetapi siapa mengindahkan teguran adalah bijak.

Ketika gw dipercayakan pimpin sharing di satu sekolah, gw bagikan ini and hope pengetahuan tentang kebenaran dapat membekali mereka pemuda-pemuda harapan bangsa untuk lebih punya kapasitas hati yang besar. Kapasitas hati yang besar untuk mau menerima didikan/teguran/nasehat akan menempatkan kita pada level kedewasaan yang lebih tinggi. 

Pic source: http://slightlyoffbalanceblog.com/category/life-2/


         Thanks God for this oppurtunity, hope I can glorify God through this blog :). Terus terang pada awalnya gw tidak begitu percaya diri untuk menulis dan sebenarnya this blog has an old age coz udah dari zaman 2008. Tapi setelah gw review dan check out lagi banyak hal yang kurang membangun xixixixi…. So that I decided to delete all posts and create new image of this blog…(~__~)v
Semua ini berawal dari perubahan dengan cara pandang gw yang berbeda tentang Tuhan, dan hidup gw pribadi dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini. Tanpa bermaksud promosi tapi memang kenyataan, cara pandang gw banyak dibukakan setelah dengar kotbah Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat. Ada banyak nilai-nilai dan hal praktis yang gw dapatkan yang mengubah cara pandang gw menjadi lebih fokus on VISION. *amen*
Here it is my new image of my blog. I rename it Praise&Hope, karena disinilah salah satu cara gw praise myGod and telling myHope about myfuture life...:D

Kita bisa hidup dengan himat yang kita miliki, untuk memperoleh hikmat we need to learn and get more understanding ~ Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat